Blog #11 by novelist Jeremy Logan — DON’T GO THERE GETS A REVIEW

Blog #11 by novelist Jeremy Logan -- DON'T GO THERE GETS A REVIEW


Don't Go There


 I was gearing up for the holidays when I got the best present I could have wished for.  The Clarion Review gave my first novel, Don't Go There, a four-star (out of five stars) review.  Clarion is a highly respected and acclaimed reviewer to the publishing industry. Below are some quotes from the review they published yesterday.

In the very first sentence describing Don't Go There the review states, "...what more could you want from an international thriller."  The review calls it a, " international thriller."

The review goes on to capsulize the work and closes with the following remark, "Readers looking for unusual locations, or who are interested in the wheeling and dealing of the energy business, will appreciate Don’t Go There."

I have been hoping my work would be reviewed, and I am relieved to find out it is more than a worthy entry in the literary world.  Although I was optimistic it would be well received, this review is confirmation of what I have been saying when asked about it.  And now I can say with conviction that it is "a good read."

If you haven't had a chance to get yourself a copy of Don't Go There, I urge you order your copy from  You can also follow me on Facebook and Twitter.





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