Blog No. 13, Inspiration & New Year’s Wishes

What has inspired you today?  I bet something did.  Perhaps the inspiration didn't last very long. Then the memory of it faded away.  Poof, and now it's gone.  We all perceive the moments of inspiration differently.  With some of us the most remarkable inspirations stay with us.  And when they do they can affect how we operate in this world.

Now that I am writing I am more aware of the things that inspire me.  I never know when one will grab a hold of me and open a new door.  When that happens I try to write it down so I won't forget how it affected me.  Most of my inspiration these days comes from what I read or watch.  Every now and then I will be inspired by something or someone I encountered personally.  As a writer you can't let the effect of the moment fade away.  These inspirations can be the fuel that powers an entire novel.

Inspirations do not have to be profound. They can be as simple as getting unexpected great service from a source you didn't expect. Today I called my cable TV provider because their gateway to my home went bad.  I expected the usual non-service service.  Instead I ended up talking with an intelligent person that could speak English clearly who genuinely wanted to understand my issues and find the solution.  I was inspired to pass on the goodwill to everyone else I encountered. That included a smile and thank you to the dry cleaner lady, cheerful conversation with the grocery store checkout guy, and more of the same with the lady that served me my Mexican take-out order.

I hope your 2014 goes as well as my 2013. I met more terrific people that made a difference in my life.  I reconnected with friends and family I enjoy. I went places on my bucket list.  I accomplished things that surprised me.  None of these I set out as goals.  I just took advantage of opportunities.  If similar opportunities arise in your 2014, I wish you are able to enjoy them as much as I did mine.

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